Commit to the Journey Trust the Process Mirror the Change
The Coaching Porch

The Coaching Porch

Historically the porch has always represented a place of perspective, stories, laughs and personal reflection. Here at the Coaching Porch, the idea remains the same. With a greater reach, we have adapted our process to suit a globally dispersed and diverse audience.

Alicia Williams


Through storytelling coupled with deep coaching ethics, we will partner with you by navigating our bespoke framework which will set you on a path to self discovery and ultimately the ability to choose what success looks like, as you see it


What we achieve through this partnership is an alliance of support and accountability that will ideally land you the client at an and agreed mental destination of growth, change and acceptance.


Here is where we reassess the journey and our milestones and ensure that you have the resources to sustain your new found commitment to self and sign of with a “to self contract” with an option to checkin with the coach after 3 months


    I am not quite shore what these are, but when you explain me better I will be able to design them

  2. CSS Animations

    We are using 12 different animations for showing and hiding the items of a slide. The animations are defined by randomly adding data-attributes called data-effect-in and data-effect-out for every slide.

  3. Tilted Items

    The perspective view is achieved by adding a perspective value to the slide list item and tilting a division that contains the two screenshots.

  4. Column or Row

    The items in the tilted container are either laid out in a column or in a row. For some directions we need to adjust the animation delays for the items, since we don’t want the items to overlap each other when they move in or out.

  5. Responsiveness

    For smaller screens, the items on the right hand side will become less opaque and serve as decoration only. The focus will be on the description which will occupy all the width.

  6. Navigation

    For the “line” navigation we use a little trick to make the clickable area a bit bigger: we add a thick white border to the top and bottom of the span. Since the border is part of the element, it will be part of the clickable zone.




    The Coaching Porch